miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

Change.... what a beautiful word

To start off, I want to say, sorry its been so long, again I am not much of a blogger, so getting on and up-dating is not the first thing on my to-do list.... actually things like "paint my nails", "watch X-Men" and "eat chocolate" are normally higher on my list. 

Food for thought, "Blogging is not writing, it is graffiti with punctuation." -Dude from Contagion 

Now, for the actual blog post....
4 or 5 years ago, I got a huge call on my life. God told me he wanted me to (eventually) move to Uganda, Africa. That terrified me, so I didn't actually say agree to is. Over the next few months (while avoiding telling anyone this, in fear that if I told people it would be a "no turning back" situation), I prayed things like, "God, if you want me in Africa, show me that it is your will." And obviously, he showed me that was exactly where he wanted me, but... it still terrified me, so I still didn't accept it. I continued to pray "seeking" Gods will, he continued showing me, and I continued not accepting it. (This went on for 2 or 3 months.) Finally, at the church camp I used to go to, 3 services in a row He made it abundantly clear his call on my life, that night when I told my friends, I cried... a lot. When the week was over I went home and told my family, I cried.... a lot... again. Let me tell you, being that young and getting that kind of call on your life, that is a scary thing. Things have changed now.....

I am ecstatic to go to Uganda and my moving day is on it's way :)

I have been presented with the opportunity to move to Jinja, Uganda in January. I am going to live with a missionary family there and home school 3 of their boys. This is totally a God thing. I get to be living right in the culture there, I will eat traditional food, and learn some of the language (the family speaks both English and Luganda), and during the weekends I will be able to visit other ministries and make plans for my future (making contacts, getting information about my long term plan in Uganda). I will be with them from January to May/June, and after that, who knows what Gods plans are for me. (I eventually plan on opening a group home for girls with special needs.) 

As you may know, Teisha and I were already planing a 6 week trip to Uganda this fall, but considering this opportunity, we are not sure what we are going to do, we have a few options; 1. We could both go in September/October and I would return to Uganda after the holidays, 2. Teisha could go in September/October and I would delay my trip until January, or 3. We would both wait until January to go. We are seeking Gods will on this matter, and your prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time :)