miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

To Christian Guys...

Everyone these days focus on addressing girls, reminding them that they are beautiful. Over the past 6 months I have watched so many videos, advertisements, read blogs and articles addressed to this. Yes, they are needed (for me and for many others), it is very important to remind girls of this... but what about addressing guys? There are a few, very important things guys these days need to hear but are almost never said... so I have taken the liberty of written a few of them out. This is specifically for a few close friends of mine out there, but I hope that others will read this and be encouraged by it also.

For any of you Christian guys out there who feel like you are going unnoticed... For any of you nice guys out there who feel like you are "finishing last"... For any of you guys who have been "friend zoned"... I want you to know a few things...

I know that this world is hard on you, but you are staying strong. Thank you. This would is hard on everyone but your ability to stand is very admirable.

In our society these days modesty is "unnecessary". Girls can walk around in just about anything they want as long as it just barely covers what is necessary. On behalf of all females, I am sorry. I know its hard for you. I see the look on your face when you see a girl dressed inappropriately and your mind immediately takes you somewhere you don't want to be... but more importantly I see your look of disappointment. I see the work it takes for you to refocus your mind. I see the struggles and I see the triumph. I respect that. I know that sometimes you will fail, but your desire to refocus your mind, your perseverance is also very respectable.

I see that you are one of the few guys left out there who has respect for yourself, for your elders and for the girls and woman around you. I see that you are waiting for a great, God seeking woman to marry and I see that you are keeping yourself pure for your her. I see the way you hug your female friends, the same way you would want your future wife to hug her male friends, with respect and honor.

I see your desire to follow God with all your heart. I see you sacrificing yourself for his calling. I see your constant struggle to know His will for your life. I see just how hard, but important is is for you to put this worlds view aside. I see your willingness to give up anything and everything for him.

I see you.
I notice you.
I appreciate you. 
I respect you.
...For every single reason  I listed above, and for many, many more

And please don't give up your morals, your passions or your desire to follow Him. Don't change for a girl or because of your "friends"... be strong and remain who you are because that person is one of the coolest people I know. 

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Surrendering to the Insane

Is picking up a family of 11 and moving to Guatemala crazy? Yes
Is heading to Uganda as a single girl nuts? Of course.
Is starting up a home for special needs girls on the other side of the world insane? Absolutely.
Is it all worth it?

No doubt about it.

People seem to think that the moment you leave behind the securities of a job, or insurance, or a home, etc. that you have lost your mind or are simply being reckless... (Lost your mind, maybe ;) )  Being reckless? No. There is a big difference between being reckless and trusting God.

When I was in Uganda last year, I constantly  had people asking me if I was being careful and safe.... but in reality, those are two different things. You can be careful but not necessarily safe. That is (in some ways) what it is to live life. You take precautions... but if you avoid anything that could turn into a dangerous situation, well that's not living (you would simply become the boy in the plastic bubble, and that's not living that's just not dying) . You take a step of faith and pray that Gods will be done. You should not necessarily pray for safety... Gods will and safety do not always line up.

God calls us to role up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. God calls us to step out of our comfort zone. 
God calls us to live dangerously. God calls us to do crazy things.

I cant help but think of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Frodo (a seemingly common and useless hobbit) was called to take a journey to Mount Doom to destroy the ring. So, he went. He didn't know how he was going to get there. He didn't know the dangers that he was going to face. He didn't know how long it was going to take. He didn't know if he would ever make it back home. But he went. 

Then you can take it even a step further with Samwise. Sam didn't really seem to have a big part in it all (at first glance). Frodo was asked to carry the ring, Sam kinda just tagged along for the fun of it. He didn't have to go, he wasn't asked to go.... he chose to go (and he stuck with it to the end even thought he could have turned around at any moment and headed home). He went to support his friend. And when the going got tough and Frodo couldn't continue, Sam was there to press on. He was there to carry Frodo.

So, the question is....
Am I Frodo? - Am I heading on this journey simply because I am called to?
Am I Sam? - Am I going on this journey because I want to? Because I want to be there for those who need me?
Or am I all the hobbits living in the Shire missing out on the most amazing and difficult journey anyone could ever imagine?

In the beginning of working towards Uganda... I was simply doing this because I knew its what God wanted.... but that very quickly changed after visiting. I am now going because I know (without a doubt) that is where God wants me to be... but not only that, because more than anything else, I want to be there. I left a part of my heart there in Uganda. I want to live in a country where kids run up to me yelling "Mazungu" (what they call white people). I want to be stained with the red dirt of Ugandan earth. I want to be the American that can speak Luganda (no matter how long it takes me) and can hold up a conversations with families in the villages. I want to be the light of God to people who are told there is no hope for them or for their child. I want to be a mom to as many special needs kids that He brings to me. I want to be the hands and feet of God there in Uganda... It dose not matter how hard it is. It does not matter how much studying it takes. It dose not matter how many people advise me not to (which is growing continually). It doesn't matter how messy and terrifying the job becomes. 
It doesn't matter how crazy it sound. 

I am surrendering to the insane. 

Once of my favorite songs (and the "inspiration" for this blog post) Something Crazy, by Steven Curtis Chapman 

I would also like to take a minute to do a quick update on my journey to Uganda. I am planning on moving to Uganda in the first half of 2015. Before I go, I have to head back to the United States for fundraising. I am in the process of figuring out some stuff, followed by booking flights. I am looking at being in the Ohio area for 2 or 3 months (starting probably mid July). More details on this within a week or two, but please keep me in your thought and prayers. Thank you all.