martes, 16 de abril de 2019


To be honest, it has been so long since my last update that I don't really know what to say or where to go with this. I have tried writing updates multiple times, but with some of the difficulties we have had to go through in the last 9 months, it is hard to put everything into words. So, I don't know what else to do but a quick month by month updates with pictures.

Daniel returned home to his mother. Even though we knew from the beginning of him joining our family that this was the end goal, it was still so, very hard to make the transition. I miss him so much, but we are so glad to know he is with someone who loves him so much.

We received Wellington (13 years old) and Jose (11 years old) from another home. Both boys have mild Cerebral Palsy and are mentally their age (so dealing with a pre-teen and a teenager has been quite a stressful task, but we are making it through). That meant our family consisted of Stevie, me and 11 kids!

Was a horrible month... Our beautiful, little Yasmin went to be with Jesus.

Not at all important, but I got my tattoo (that previously only had Thanias name) expanded...
"by your grace, it is well"

Stevie and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary! My how time flies!

Of course CHRISTMAS!

I was having some very small health problems over the previous few months and I was finally diagnosed with PCOS... Thats really nothing in comparison to everything with the kids, its just something that has been going on in life.

I am honestly not sure how to talk about February.... it was one of the longest, most stressful months of my life. Stevie and I felt we were long overdue for a fresh start, so we began interviewing ladies to be our new nannies. With broken hearts we began looking for a new place for Wellington to live. This was not something we wanted, but it was something that we were legally obligated to do.

Wellington finally had his court hearing and he was actually sent back to his biological father. There was so much uncertainty with his whole case, which was the main cause of stress. We had been praying for a miracle and we believe that him going home is the miracle we were asking for. The new nannies began working for us.... so that meant training and all the stress that comes because of that, but we love them and they are amazing! Such a good fit for our family. The last 2 weeks of March were when life actually began to calm down a bit and my stress has finally reached the lowest point it has been probably since summer 2017 (shortly after we opened the home). Praise GOD!

Oh.... and baseball season started!!!!!! Go CUBS!!!!

So far this month has been fairly calm... however we do have a child's hearing next week that is a very sensitive one. Please pray that the judge will make the best for this child's life and that God will protect them and their future (and please pray for us as this is very difficult not knowing what will happen).

So thats about it. I am so sorry that I have done such a poor job of keeping you all updated, but with the heartbreak that was popping up every couple months it has became very hard to put everything into words and actually write about life. I am working very hard at getting my personal schedule more organized and consistent so I am very hopeful that this will be the start of me doing better at updating. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!