lunes, 20 de enero de 2014


Sorry this is so overdue, a LOT has been going on. We had a fantastic Christmas (I will get some pictures up hopefully sometime in the next week). But, as most of you already know, we lost our little Esperanza. At around 1 PM on Monday, January 6th our worlds were turned upside down. But, I believe without a doubt that this is Gods will. Esperanza can now see, she can run and laugh, she can dance and sing. She is in the arms of her loving maker. Shes is by far happier now than she ever was with us. This is very hard for her, but to honor her joy, I want to show you just a few of the happy moments with her. This is in honor of the time we DID get to spent with her.

We did every thing with little Esperanza...

We read....

We played...

We celebrated her 6 month birthday....

We watched the world Series...

Even though our Cubs didn't make it...

We went to the zoo...

We introduced her to our friends...

We celebrated Christmas...

We opened presents....

We decorated cupcakes....

We ate pizza...

We took naps....

We watched TV...

The other kids loved her too...

She was our beautiful little girl...

You are greatly missed, Esperanza.

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