jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Slight change of plans....

Slight change of plans... tomorrow is my first day of school! (Never thought I would be saying those words again).

I have been offered a job for the next 6 weeks of working as a personal assistant to a 15 year old girl named Zoe (she is part of a missionary family here). She has autism and has non verbal communication disorder (people with this disorder can be very verbal, including Zoe, this just means it makes it hard for them to pick up non verbal cues, sarcasm, etc.). My job will be to spend the school day with Zoe.

I am still looking into taking some Luganda lessons late afternoon/evening, but I am unsure of how that will turn out.

As you know, I have just moved into an apartment and setting up house here was not cheep (appliances are quite expensive here). This job will give me more experience with autism and give me a chance to make some money in the process. I have not spent too much time with high functioning autism, so this will be a bit of a challenge, but an amazing learning experience! I truly believe this is a gift from God.

Again, thank you all for the continued prayer and support,

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