viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

The Happenings.... Part 2 (The important, Uganda stuff)

Okay, I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have given a real update. If I am being honest it was because I had such a good time in the United States that I so did not want to think about (let alone return to) Uganda. As most of you know, my time here in Uganda has been lonely, boring and discouraging, but I have said it before and I will say it 100,000 more times.... I have no doubt that this is exactly where God has called me, so I have returned and I also know that God is going to do some great things in me through this! My trust in fully in God and that is exactly where it is going to stay. So, again, I am sorry for my horrible communication, I will be working very hard to improve.

Well, with that out of the way, let me get going with th Uganda portion of the blog update....

On Wednesday, August 3rd Taryn and I hopped on a plane and were in Uganda the following night….
Only to realize I did not have access to my apartment. Come to find, someone tried to break in while I was gone, so a neighbor added an extra pad lock to the door. She was at work so we could not get the key from her. Luckily a friend of mine allowed us to crash at her place that night. The next morning everything was worked out, got in the apartment, nothing missing, all is good…. Praise God! We spent the next few days cleaning, doing some unpacking, recovering from jet lag and introducing Taryn to Uganda.... food, transportation, grocery shopping, the basics :)

Monday was my birthday so we hung out all lazy like, went out for lunch and saw Suicide Squad (a movie that I have been looking forward to for like 2 years since I first found out it was in the making). Tuesday was Taryn’s birthday (we are 5 years, 8 hours and 30 minutes apart) so we were lazy again, hung out for a while, went out for coffee and a nice, fancy (for us) desert and then went to see Jason Bourne (we are both a little obsessed with the Bourne series so that was super exciting as well).

Now we are getting to work. Contacting more ministries for Taryn’s time here, I am working on catching up on computer work, contacts and things like that. We will be working more on getting settled in, figuring out what needs to be changed and tweaked in the apartment with an additional person in the place. 

Now the interesting things are coming up. This is where I need your prayer and your help.
First of all, I was planning on starting the licensing process to open up the home, but I was recently informed that the Ugandan government is shut down for the month of August. So now I shall start house hunting. The one problem with that, my finances are in no place to move into a larger (and in turn more expensive) place, especially considering that also means I will have to hire a guard. But I have no doubt that God will provide in his timing. So I am hoping to start house hunting very soon and I will keep you all posted on that.

Other prayer requests....
The main thing is, I really need prayer for emotional and mental reasons. The way my mind works is very interesting and often very frustrating. I have a lot of trouble focusing on tasks and getting stuff done, no matter how hard I try. It will hopefully be a little better now that I have Taryn around to keep me accountable. But prayers would be greatly appreciated. Also, I am not bad at setting up house, grocery shopping, cooking, hands on work like that.... but paperwork and computer work, all the legal work is very much out of my comfort zone. These are things that need to be done and I am the only one to do it, but I need prayer for wisdom, discernment and perseverance seeing as I have a LOT of it coming up.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

The Happenings... part 1 (U.S. update)

This is just a very brief summery of my time in the states. I am working on Part 2 of this blog where I will inform everyone of the happenings here in Uganda. But for the moment..... pictures of my trip!

My time in the states was amazing! Landed in the Pennsylvania area and got to spend a few days with family.

Taryn and I then did the Equip International Medical Missions Intensive training in North Carolina… Exhausting and amazing! Then spent a week with family there.

Then we headed to Ohio for a lot of stuff....
Went to a total of 4 weddings, and was in 1 of them.

Was a counselor at Ludlow Falls Kids Kamp (the church camp in Ohio that we went to growing up)

Got to go to Chicago and see the Cubs with Shauna and Andi!!!

I spent tons of time hanging out and catching up with friends and family!

And finished up with family camping in Pennsylvania.

It was an amazing trip and I want to thank everyone who helped me while I was in the states. I feel so blessed to have so many people willing to do so much for me! God bless you all!

Stay posted for part 2 of this blog that will explain everything here in Uganda!