miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Back in Guatemala

I am so sorry that it has taken this long to do a blog post, it has been a crazy couple weeks! Not only that, but this is now my 3rd attempt at writing a post but my computer has had some issues and keeps deleting it.

As some of you may have seen, Taryn and I are back in Guatemala for a month. I am going to try to make a long, confusing story as simple as possible.... for visa proposes when we entered Uganda we had to have a ticket showing we were going to leave within the next 6 months. Well, because of the high fee for changing our tickets on top of the price it would be to visit a nearby country to renew our visa, it was actually cheaper (by three hundred dollars each) to keep our original ticket and go home for a bit.

On January 9th, I got a Skype call from my mom and my sister, Krishauna. I called Taryn in the room and my mom said, "I have good and bad news. The bad news is it is going to be really expensive to change your tickets. The good news is, that means it is cheaper for you to come all the way here. So, we will see you guys on the 26th!" The next 2 1/2 weeks was crazy difficult to keep it a secret. 

So, January 25th we left our apartment.... about 42 hours later we were greeted by our parents (and some family friends) at the airport in Guatemala. We drove home and got to surprise some of the family (the kids were in bed, so we didn't get to see them yet). Early Friday morning, we headed to San Pablo to surprise Joel, Brittney and our future nephew. We also got to help them move into their new house. We again got home late again, so the weekend was basically all spending time loving on the kiddos! I got to meet the 4 kids that have joined the home since I was gone, and we got to welcome Genesis to the family as well.

In addition to all that, on the 3rd, we got to welcome a new baby into the family, Christopher Caleb. It has been so nice being able to be here with the family during all of this (considering when we found out Brittney was pregnant we never expected to get to be a part of this). God has the best timing, this has been exactly what both Taryn and I have needed. 

Taryn and I will be heading back to Uganda on the 23rd. Please pray for finances.  Even though we saved money by coming home instead of paying the change fee, it still all cost far more than we had budgeted for visa renewal. Also, please pray for the continued guidance and timing of God for the upcoming months and years. Thank you for your continued prayer and support. 

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