lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Power outages, kids, and mud… lots and lots of mud.

Last Saturday (the 27th) I moved into Ekisa (which means Grace)… well the Ekisa volunteer house. I got there at 6ish and the power went out about an hour and a half later….. it was off until Tuesday (the 30th).  We had it back on for maybe 2 days then went off again (luckily this time it only lasted a few hours). At this point we have power and we have had it for 3 whole days!!!! Ahhhh…. The joys of Africa :D

The house is great, there are 5 volunteers now, and we all share a room… it feels an awful lot like camp, I’m not complaining. 

We have a lovely living room and kitchen (there is also a dining room, with a large table, but I don’t have that picture… I also assume that you guys don’t want a picture of the bathroom, so I didn’t bother with that)

 My schedule. 
On weekdays I am supposed to be at Ekisa at 9 in the morning. From 9:00 - 10:30 school, 10:30 - 11:00 snack, 11:00 -12:00 school or one on one time (I will explain in a min) 12:00 lunch. From lunch, till 3:30 the volunteers have off, we can walk back to the volunteer house or head into town, or chill at Ekisa…. Just do whatever. From 3:30 -5:30 is school or one on one time. 

For one on one time we have a schedule. The Ekisa kids (not the kids that come for school, but the ones that live here) each have one day a week that they get to go out with a volunteer. What we do depends on the child, the weather, and many things… but basically we can take the kids into town, go on a walk, take them swimming…. Whatever. We just give them a chance to get out of the house. This past week I had not yet been put on the schedule,  so I only went out twice… but the new schedule is posted (which I am now on), so I am sure within no time I will have all kinds of fun pics and stories :)  The two times I did go out were a blast…. Once to the pool (sadly I didn’t have my camera with me :( ) and the other time we went on a short walk and got sodas.

But generally I just get to spend my time playing with kids toys.... oh and you know the kids were there too ;)

…Snuggling with cuties….

…and goofing off with silly little ones.

The walk from the volunteer house to Ekisa is about a 10 min walk. The walk is not bad at all….


…Unless it has rained. (which it always does)

On Saturdays and Sundays we get off… we can go hang out at Ekisa or do our own thing. This past Saturday was spent swimming and reading by the pool…. There were also a bunch of monkeys (super hard to get good pictures of them).

I am absolutely loving my time at Ekisa… and tomorrow we are all going to the zoo! I am super excited! (and I am thinking I will probably have enough pictures from the zoo to do another blog update within the next week)

Thank you all for the continued prayer and support. 

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