jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Sudden move to Guatemala and all the insanity that comes with it...

I am so sorry that I did not get this done earlier, the past couple weeks have been insane. As many of you know, I am now living in Guatemala (again). Before I get into the details of the last 2 ½ weeks I want to take a moment to explain that this move is not me ignoring Gods call on my life. I always said that I was going to live in Uganda until God called me somewhere else, I imagined (and lived as if) that would be for years and years, but back in February, well…. He called me somewhere else (more on that coming very soon). So temporarily, I am in Guatemala to help with my parent’s ministry.

So, here is the breakdown of the past couple weeks….

Because of the orphan crisis going on in Guatemala, Hogar de la Esperanza received permission to open up a second home under the first home’s license. So on March 19th my parents asked Taryn and I if we would consider heading back to Guatemala earlier than expected to help get the second home started up (because of my experience with the first home, I am ready to jump right, if someone else were to open the home they would require extensive training). We spend the next 20 or so hours praying about it and we felt like that is where God wanted us, so we started preparations. Mom changed our tickets and we got busy with selling stuff, packing everything else, frantic goodbyes…. Lots of insanity. 8 days later (the 28th) we were on a plane. We landed in DC the following day and spent 2 days with my grandparents (the trip from Uganda to Guatemala can be around 50 hours, so being able to break it up a bit is super helpful), but then on the 31st we were back on a plane heading to Guatemala. We got here that evening and hit the ground running. We have spent the past few days unpacking and doing any other preparations on the home that can be done. 

Monday, the 27th, the ministry received the key to our new house. While we were doing last minute things in Uganda and traveling home, everyone in the ministry was kicking butt and getting all kinds of work done on the house.... it looks amazing! Here are some pictures of what it is looking like now, doors and windows will be installed (hopefully) today, plumbing was finished yesterday and a fridge was installed. Once the doors are installed will begin setting up the rooms a little better, getting everything in place. Now, we are only waiting to receive kids... Until then, we are continuing to make little changes and adjustments to the house to make transition as smooth as possible. 

Courtyard/ ministry parking

Kitchen (a.k.a my favorite room in the house)
Living room

This will be the dining room and (on the other side of the curtain)
 the changing room/laundry room 

From our roof you can see Hogar de la Esperanza (#1) and on the
other side of our house is Brittney and Joel's place
Mine and Taryn's bedroom
Intern room that is being used as storage right now

Boy's bedroom
Play room
Girl's bedroom
So this is where we are do far, working hard and getting stuff done. Hoping and praying that we will revived kids in the next couple days before the insanity of Semana Santa (Holy week) sets it.

For all my supporters, I know that I am not where I had planed, but I am still doing the work that was planned. If you would be willing to continue supporting me, that would be greatly appreciated. This role that I am taking on is not a paid position so I could really use the continued support. As always, I still need lots of prayer and emotional support, thank you to everyone who is continuing to stand by me as a prayer partner, financial partner, or both. God bless. 

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