lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

Hogar de la Esperanza

Few updates:
I am assuming most of you know, Hogar de la Esperanza is up and running! Praise God!!!!
For those of you who do not know, I (with God's guidance) have decided to stay here in Guatemala for about another year to help run the home. I am still planning on returning to Uganda, but I want to open a home for special needs girls there, so this is preparation.

I will start by introducing our 3 new family members.

This is my little man, Rafael (7 years old). He was the first child in our home to make Hogar de la Esperanza a reality. Rafael was added to the our family on August 22, 2013. He is my little snuggle buddy.

On the afternoon of August 26th, Jenifer (11 years old) became an unofficial Fulp. She is one of the funniest, most unique girls I have ever met. Jenifer can talk and she ALWAYS speaks her mind. She is a blast, I love this girl. 

Sweet Alejandra (11 years old) was our 3rd arrival. She joined our family on August 26th just a few hours after Jeni. Alejandra is one of the most joy filled girls you will ever meet. She can not talk, but she communicates through pointing and facial expressions. She is a very bright little girl.

To continue, basically my "job" is schedules, medicines, feeding, changing.... you name it. So, in a nutshell, I get to take care of kids and love on them full time. It is a total blast! Between me and my mom, we take charge and make the plans. From 8-5 we have volunteers who help. Having more people around to help, it allows us to do one on one time with the kids, allowing them to learn at their own pace and at their own level. It also gives us time to do stretches and physical therapy stuff with the kids each day.

Brittney, Kristin, Me, Kathlyn, My mommy (aka Wanda), Emily A., Aura, Emilee S., and Taryn

Morning is for physical therapy and educational play. In the afternoons we spend time outside with the kids... going on walks, playing in the courtyard, etc.

In the evening, after the staff goes home, we just hang out as a family. Playing games, talking, watching a movie... I love our expanding family!

Even though our lives are getting crazy (well... more crazy then they were before) we still make plenty of time to still goof.

Prayer requests:
1. Pray for wisdom as we are making decisions on how to properly run the home. We have a lot in place but seeing as we are still very new, we have to make changes to better fit everything.
2. Prayer as we are bringing in more kids. We are licensed for up to 10 kids... and we have NO idea who these kids are or when they will get here. Prayer for that to go smoothly.
3. As always just pray that we will be led by God on a daily basis. That we will each grow closer to him each day and in so, bring those around us to him.

Last thing. If you do not get my facebook post (which lets you know when I update my blog), and would like a an e-mail letting you know when I do, just send me a quick e-mail and I will add you to my list. (Even if you had previously done so, please do it again, I have to re-do the distribution list).

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and support.
Dios te bendiga (God bless you)

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