miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

Ohio... here I come!

I will be heading back to the states to do some fundraising for my move to Uganda... tickets are booked!!! I will arrive in Ohio on Monday, July 14 and will be there until October 28th.

For a quick (re)summery...
My plan is to move to Uganda early 2015. I will be starting up a home for special needs girls once I get there. Since August I have been serving as as the co-director of Hogar de la Esperanza, here in Guatemala (so I somewhat know what I am getting into). This has been an amazing experience, learning what to do (and some of what not to do). I am taking a leap of faith in moving to Uganda, but it is a leap of faith that I know God wants me to take. So, as I am preparing for my trip to the state, I could really use your help with a few things.

1. A car. If anyone happens to have a functioning vehicle that I could borrow for my time (or for part of my time) I would greatly appreciate it. (If you are hesitant because of not knowing how I drive I will let you know that I have never been in an accident, I have never had a ticket, I have never even been pulled over for any reason at all.)
2. I am going back to fund raise, but while I am there I would also really like to do some work to earn some money throughout the week. If anyone has odd jobs that they would like me to help out with, just let me know. Also, I am more than happy to babysit. I have had plenty of experience with special needs kids (I am fairly comfortable with any needs). I know that parents of special needs kids often have a harder time finding babysitters so they do not as often get out of the house even thought it is so very important. I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me out by spreading the word... I am willing to work as little or as much as possible.
3. If your church, Sunday school or small group would be willing to have me, I would love to find a time to come and speak. I will be living in Troy, Ohio, but if you have dates available for me to speak further away, just let me know.
4. Pray. I need a lot of stuff, a lot of help but most of all I need wisdom and guidance. None of this is the slightest bit possible without God, please help me by standing by me and praying with and for me.

If you would like to contact me about any of these things you can e-mail me at carissa@hopeforhome.org or you can message me on Facebook. Also, if you have any questions or need clarification on any of these things, just let me know.

God bless!

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