lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Hope for Home Uganda

After an afternoon of coffee and talking with my amazing mother, she brought it to my attention that I have not been very outspoken about what my ministry will look like when I get to Uganda. So, this is just a way for me to speak my mind so you can all see the vision God had put on my heart.

I am hoping to find a house in a small village right outside of Kampala, Uganda. I know I want to be near Kampala because the best hospitals are there. My desire to to live right outside of the city for a few reasons. First, I am not a city person, and the closer I get to moving the more I dislike the city, so I think that is just Gods way of preparing me. Second of all, I really want to be fully in the culture. Yes, there is strong culture in the city too, but it is different. I very much want to live in a village where I can witness to the community of people there.

My hope is to be there, no later than August of 2015. I was 14 when I first felt God telling me I was going to Uganda. That took a while to set in. But, over the past 7 years God has built a passion and desire in me.... I feel very strongly that my time is very close.

As most of you know, my original plan was to open up a home for special needs girls... this has not changes, but God has been slowly shaping more of a vision in me.
1. (I will just show a little more detail of the home) I plan on having a home for girls with special needs. My goal is to keep it pretty small... maybe 5 or so girls. I want it to be very similar to Hogar de la Esperanza (the home we have here in Guatemala). However, since I am a single girl, I will only be taking in girls and I will not be able to take in as many. I want to keep the home family centered. I will have to have some payed help, but I plan on doing so mostly thought the community, finding ladies in the village that really have a love for children and really need help. I would also love to develop an intern program for people who feel called into missions but are not sure how or where.
2. A few months back God laid a new desire on my heart, to see a church rise up through Hope for Home Uganda. In Uganda (along with a lot of other poor countries) the prosperity gospel is very strong. You will often come across people who are confused because they are trying to follow God, but there child has special needs and they don't have money for food. When I was in Uganda I visited 6 different churches... only 2 of them seemed to preach the true gospel. My desire is to have a church that families who have children with special needs can feel welcomed and loved. A church that will tell them the truth, that sometimes God just puts us thought hard situations, but he has a plan through it all. The church needs to step up and be a safe place for all people.
3. I would also like to have part of the ministry that will be for educating families of special needs children. I would love to see families who know how to care for their children, but have someone to call if they are having trouble. A family is always the best place for a child, and if we can leave them with their family that is the best.... often they are not trying to be neglectful to their children, they simply need help to know how to care for them. I am not exactly sure what form this portion of the ministry will take, but I feel very strongly that down the road it will be a large part of Hope for Home Uganda.

Who is sending me:
I will be going under Hope for Home. Over the past year or two, I have been trying to figure how I wanted to get over there. I feel very strongly that going under Hope for Home is Gods desire for me. It sounds like the "easy way" but its not. I will be the first one in Uganda that is associated with Hope for Home, so there will be a lot of paper work to get established over there (as opposed to me going and joining someone that is already over there).

There is no way I can do this alone. God has given me a strong and HUGE vision that I can not do by myself.
Ways you can help:
1. (Lets get the worst one out of the way) Money. I can't get started until I have enough money for a plane ticket and basic living over there. Once I get there I will need much more money for start up costs and preparing to receive children, but God has a way of working things out.  Would you  (or your church, small group, Sunday school class, etc.) consider a one-time gift or monthly sponsorship to support this new ministry?  Your gifts can be sent to the Hope for Home Ministries (info here, with "Uganda ministry" on the memo line, and will be tax deductible.
2. (Obviously) Prayer. Nothing can be done without Gods help, please would you consider being prayer partners with me as I go?
3. Help any way you feel called. Like I said, the vision is big. God gives us all gifts and talents. Would you all take some time to pray and see what God could be calling you to do. Just consider that maybe God has the desire for you to be a part of Hope for Home. I would love to hear for different people in ways they feel like God is calling them to help.
4. I am also working on constructing a list of a few things I need. If you are interested in providing money for a specific item, please e-mail me at .

Thank you all, so much, for your time and prayer. It means a lot to me to know I already have a prayer base before I even get over there. God bless.

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