jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

Laughing in the face of God

I am sure you have already heard this story, but I want to tell you again, in a slighting different way. Moses and his story is my favorite, with Egypt and Midian, Zipporah and Aaron, the plagues and the Red Sea... everything. I don't like it because it's an enjoyable story... It is actually not that much of an enjoyable story at all. It is full of difficulties and trials, slaves and murderers, people tortured and running from the past, plagues and deaths.... countless deaths. (Yes, it's got a great ending, but a lot of terrible stuff had to happen for that happy ending.) But the story of Moses and the burning bush is just about my favorite because out of all the people in the bible, I feel like I can most relate to Moses. So, to show exactly what I mean, I have taken Exodus 3:1-4:17 and compacted it to be much simpler.

God - "I am sending you to...."
Moses - "Who am I, that I should go..." (Moses "laughing" in the face of God)
God - "I will be with you."
Moses - "Suppose...."
God - "Say.... Go.... Do....  I will...."
Moses - "What if...."
God - Do this.... Do that.... Then do....
Moses - "O Lord, I have never been eloquent...."
God - "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
Moses - "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."
God (filled with anger) says that he will send someone to help him.

When I was first called to Uganda,  my "conversation" with God went something like....
God - Go...
Me - Ummmm... What? (me "laughing" in the face of God)
God - I will help you...
Me - But I don't want to....
God - I will take care of you...
Me - But I can't....
God - I have it under control....
Me - But I'm scared....
God - Trust me....
Me - But what if....
God - I will be with you....
Me - But what about....
This went on for about 3 months, until I think he was so tired of me arguing that He made it so clear that I couldn't say no. So, as you can see, I can relate to Moses. When I read his story I am reminded about how stubborn I was (and still can be) the difference between me and Moses, he argued with God for a few minutes.... mine was a few months.

How often dose God tells us to do something (big or small) and we say, "No, Lord"? We take such a simple task of trusting our creator and make it such a huge thing.
But you know what.... I once heard a pastor say something that stuck with me. If you say "no, Lord" that means He is not really your Lord.
That is so, very true. "Lord" is "a person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, or ruler." If you take away the authority, control, or power..... he would just be another person.

The biggest question is...
Why are we so stubborn that the moment the God of this universe (the same God that crated us, brought us to this time and place, the same God that we often sing praises to, and the same God that we claim to live our lives completely for).... when he said "Go" we laugh in His face and say "No, Lord."

When he says "Go" what we, as Christians, need to say every single time is...
Awesome! Another adventure! Where to this time? What should I pack? Is this a short trip, a long one, or am I moving to my new home? Point me in the right direction and never leave my side.... I can't wait to see what you have planed for us!

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