domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

January 14th... moving date

I will, now, up date you on everything (regarding my move to Uganda) thus far...

The Plan:
I am about to move to Uganda, Africa. I will be flying out on January 14th (about noon, Guatemalan time) and will be arriving 25 short hours later (on the 15th, shortly before midnight, Ugandan time). I will be living with a missionary family in Jinja, Uganda. I will be staying with them, rent free for about 5 months and will be home schooling a few of their kids. Past that, things are very uncertain, I might be staying there for a little longer or I might head home (that will be determined when the time gets a little closer). While I am there, I will be learning culture, some of the language, and will be looking into things for the future. If you would like to get e-mail updates just send me a quick e-mail at and I will add you to my mailing list.

Long term goals:
Eventually I plan on living in Uganda and helping special needs children. I feel called to educate families who have children with special needs, so they will be able to stay with the family, but get the care needed. I also hope to (one day) open a home to take in some of the girls that are unable to stay with their families.

Prayer requests:
1. Tickets to Uganda are very expensive and I still need most of the money. I am trusting that God will provide, but please join with us in prayer. If you would like to help me out in this area, please send donations to...
Hope for Home Ministries
PO Box 393
Troy, OH 45373
2. Please pray for peace of mind through this move. It is going to be a challenging time, not only moving away from home but half way around the world.
3. Lastly, please join me in praying that I will be used by God wherever I go.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. 
Merry Christmas and God bless. 

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

Final leg of our trip

I know it's been long, sorry. But I will now up date about the last part of my trip.

I spend 9 days in Jinja at an orphanage called Home Sweet Home. The orphanage has 14 kids, 5 of which are special needs. They also have a day care, for special needs kids, on the same property. I helped at the day care in the mornings, then spent some time helping a few other kids (from the orphanage) with school. The rest of the day was just hanging out with the kids (and when needed, retreating to my room to get a bit of a break). I was also able to meet the family that I will be living with come January (so that was really cool).

There were a few of the kids that I bonded the most with at the orphanage, so I will introduce them (in no particular order).

This gorgeous 13 year old girl's name is Gift. She was so helpful with knowing what to do and when to do it. I'm not sure what I would have done without her.

This is Opio. He is 12(?) years old and has Cerebral Palsy. He is incredibly fun. We took this picture, because one day he come up to me, showing me his sun glasses, he was so proud of them. So later, I pulled out mine and we got a picture together, he was so happy.

David is one of the sweetest, most obedient 7 year old boys you will ever meet. You can tell that he takes pride in the fact that he listens (even when his siblings and friends don't). He would, also, always say, "I hate it when you speak Spanish." but I knew that was just his way of asking me to do it, he loved it. 

Richard is 16 years old and autistic. He likes to spend his time walking around, so I would hold his hand and we would walk around together. (In order to get this picture, I had to tickle him because he would not smile when I told him to).

One day, we crammed 26 people into a 15 passenger van, drove 2 1/2 hours and spend the day at the zoo. Sadly, I have no pictures because my camera battery was messed up :(

After my time at Home Sweet Home, I returned to Kampala and joined back up with Teisha (she has all of the pictures). We helped with a kids program (like a VBS) in the slums. It was a great time. The last few days in Uganda were spend driving around, doing errands and last minute things before traveling (including ear piercings and shopping).

Our flight left at midnight (Uganda time). After a "short" flight (8hours), layover in Brussels (4hours), another "short" flight (8hours), we arrived in Washington D.C. (at about 2:30pm their time). Since our grandparents live about 2 hours from there and we had a 19 hour layover... they drove to the airport, picked us up, took us to their house... where we were blessed with an awesome meal home cooked by our amazing grandma, and we had dinner with our grandparents and a couple aunts and uncles. We were also able to have warm showers and a great nights sleep on an american bed. 

The next morning... up at 5:30, breakfast, 2 hour drive to the airport, 5 hour flight to Panama, 2 hour layover, 2 hour flight... 

we were getting restless, and she was getting annoying ;)

...and we FINALLY arrived in Guatemala : D

The family met us, took us to Pizza Hut, and we talked a lot (more-so Teisha than me, but I did a fare amount also) about the people we met, things we did, and culture. I really miss Uganda and the people there, but I have to say...

It's great to be home :)

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Ugandan Independence Day

Hey yall (after a week of living with girls from the south, I cant help but say it)

Yesterday was Ugandans Independence day... 50 YEARS!!!! 
Since the boys were not in school we decided we wanted to do something fun with them, but we didn't know what to do. We really wanted to get a tarp and do a slip 'n slide in the front yard, but we couldn't (everything was closed). Meanwhile, Ivan (one of the boys) started doing his chore, cleaning the living room floor. Within no time...

Teisha, Sidney, Emma, Sam, Alena, Ivan, me and Morris

Sam and Bwanica
my knees as a result of our fun day

In the afternoon we went somewhere with an open field and we ran around, played soccer and danced.
(but, sadly, I dont have very many good pictures)

It was a fantastic Day!

Pictures complements of Brenna

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Uganda Trip Update

On September 19th Teisha and I left Guatemala… 2 days later we arrived here, in Uganda. We had layovers in Huston, London and Ethiopia. In London (since it was an 11 hour layover) we were able to hang out with our cousin, Angelina, and her boyfriend, Tariq. Even though we were running on less than 1 1/2 hours of sleep, we were able to tour London and hang out. It was really fun.

We arrived in Uganda close to noon (I believe). A missionary family, the Broces, (we met them in Guatemala) picked us up at the airport and took us "home". The next few days were spend just staying awake... shopping, hanging out, etc. There are 3 teenage kids in the family, Nick, Krister and Annaliese so we enjoyed watching movies and playing wii. Monday, Tuesday and the following Monday was spent helping at an international school. (Sadly, we are not able to post pictures). Wednesday nether of us were feeling well, so we stayed home and watched movies... Thursday was spend at a school in the slums (more on that later). Friday we went to equator had lunch, did some shopping and took pictures.
Saturday we had an amazing time at Passion concert. Chris Tomlin was there to lead worship and Louie Gigglio shared. It was an amazing time of worship! Sunday, after church, some of us decided to go on an "adventure". Nick though he knew a short cut to the school... so Nick, Teisha, Annaliese, and I set out. This "short cut" ended up taking us all over the place and ended up taking about 3 times longer than the normal way. (and it was super muddy... and I dont know how, but somehow, I stepped in mud up to my ankles... once on each foot... at different times). 
Our Adventure Shoes
(they had already gotten pretty clean at this point)

On Monday we left the Broces :(
...but we moved to Doors Ministries :) It is a home for street boys. The ministry is great. It is run my 2 young woman (and 5 others live here), there are 2 "Uncles" that live at the home and help, and 10 boys (5 of which live at a boarding school near by). This week we have been helping at the school (which is run by the ministry). It is a school in the slums... it is a blast! 

Faith, Maliq and Bonita
Baby Sam
Mugeisha, Ian, Teisha and Ramathan
Last night, we went to another concert. I did not know anyone that preformed except The African Children's Choir. Sadly we did not get to see very much of them... but it was still really fun. We went to the concert with the 5 boys from the boarding school. It was a blast! (at this point I do not have many pictures of the any of the boys from the home but I am sure I will get some very soon and post them). 

So ya, so far, that is basically it... I am sure I will have more to post next week, but until then... peace out :)

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Surrender and Forgiveness... Hand in Hand

On Saturday night we went to Passion. Chris Tomlin was the worship leader and Louie Gigglio was a speaker. It was an amazing time of worship. Chris Tomlin sang a song, I had heard it one other time, but I did not have the lyric... so at the concert, reading the lyrics, it became one of my new favorite songs. “We raise our white flag, we surrender all to you, all for you.”


When I hear that, I think “Ya, I’m on the mission field, I am where God wants me to be... I already have surrendered my life to him.” But that’s not true, that is what I want to convince myself. There are many areas that I am not fully surrendered to, but one area is forgiveness.

As much as I would love to not do this, put it behind me and try my very best to forget it, I can’t.  Well, you know those times when you get hurt by someone and as a result of your pain, you act very immaturely... This is my tale.

Once upon a time in a land called Ohio... I lost my best friend because of stupid mistakes. Me and my friend had mutual feelings for each other. Long story short(ish) over time the feelings left. Well, he began liking someone else... which was fine with me, he was my friend and only my friend. What bothered me is that he replaced me for someone better. The moment he started talking to her, he stopped talking to me. That crushed me. When I pointed it out to him, he said it would not happen again... A week and a half later it happened again. After a few month of trying to keep the friendship alive (and all attempts ending in failure) I gave up. It was too much rejection. About 6 months later it came out that I was upset with him... And I blew up. Over time, I made my heart right with God, and I forgave him... Only to find out he made up a rather large lie... With which I blew up on him again.

More mistakes (on both sides) and a year later... And I just want to say I am so, very sorry. You hurt me so badly, but that was no reason to turn around and freak out on you. I do believe that the feelings that I felt were justified, but nothing could justify the way I treated you. I acted so immature and flat-out-stupid at times. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you and regret losing your friendship. I wish so badly I could change the outcome of this situation, but from the one conversation we have had in the past year, I think we both know that we are where we are. I just want you to know that I truly am sorry and with Gods help, I have forgiven you. At times it was (and still is) hard, but I do forgive you. I, also just miss your friendship and but I pray for you often. I pray that you will find someone perfect for you. I pray that you will be blessed. But, most of all, I pray that you will grow closer to God, because in life that is all that truly matters.

Sadly at this point, ‘our’ story does not have a “happily ever after” but it is on its way, one for me and one for him. I look forward to the day where I can see each of our stories and the way God has worked in our lives.

So, in front of “the world” (and by that I mean the few people reading this post) I am making the statement that I surrender. I surrender all to God... my anger, my bitterness, my hurt. I surrender.

Sorry, I have a quick announcement...

(Dramatically flashing across a black screen... like a movie advertisement)

Coming soon to a computer near you:
From the same dudette that brought you... well the post you just read.
“Streaming live” straight from Africa
The long awaited...
Blog Post About Uganda (Title still in progress)

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

...then come follow me

Isaiah 31:8
"Assyria will fall by a sword that is not of man; a sword, not of mortals, will devour them..."

God is fighting the war that we are in, we are not expected to fight to the end by ourselves. We are called to put on armor and be standing back, ready to run in and help. He could easily do it himself, we are tiny, insignificant humans... we are not important in the battle, but we are called to be ready. So that if/when the moment comes where He says he would like our help, we will be prepared and ready to fight. We can not be watching the battle hoping that we will not be called in, if we are not prepared we will not be called (ether that, or you will be called and you will waist time getting ready).

Mark 10:21
"Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."  
That is being prepared.
Often the mindset is "What you are doing is amazing, I just don't feel like that is my calling." or, "If He calls me to do that, I will.... I just don't feel like I am supposed to at this moment." The question is... how do you know if He hasn't called you yet? or if you just need to take the step of faith first?
It says, "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor... THEN come, follow me." It does not say, come follow me..... NOW sell all you have and give to the poor. It's a leap of faith.

I am about to take a leap of faith. On Wednesday Teisha and I are leaving for a 6 week trip to Uganda, Africa. This trip is so we can see the culture, visit ministries and make contacts.... it is preparation for my move there in January (and Teishas move there in the future). This is not me saying I am a great person, this is me saying that I was raised my Godly parents who have shown me that God has a plan. They have taught me that change may be hard, but when it is God's will, it is all worth it.

I am terrified... but not really in the ways that people would think. I am scared of the travailing, not of flying... but making sure I am going to get to where I need to be on time (things like that). I am, also, nervous because I know that the moment I step on that plane, my life will never be the same (and big changes are super scary). In spite of all the scariness, I do know one thing... it is so going to be worth it.

I challenge each one of you reading this (which is not very many, so help out by making up for the lack of people)... prepare yourselves, THEN take a leap of faith... I can guarantee you will be glad you did.

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Difficulty in this life...

Last Friday a little boy that we know was hit by a chicken bus (for those who have not been to Guatemala, it is basically the public form of transportation. It is an old school bus painted brightly, and sometimes people take animals on... that's why people call it the chicken bus, you sometimes see people with live chickens). Well, this little boy, Joshua, was 3. He had been with a 17 year old baby sitter, while they were in a tienda (small shop) she was buying something and he ran out into the street and got hit. It was not her fault, it was not the drivers fault, it was a 3 year old boy simply being a 3 year old boy. On Tuesday, he passed away.

Now, I was not really close to Joshua, but I knew him enough to know... he loved to be chased around and tickled (sometimes, but sometimes he would cry if the crazy white girl would run up to him), he loved to follow around his older brother, he loved to color, and boy could he throw a tantrum.  One day, we were playing and coloring out on the street with some of the kids, and Joshua did not only want a coloring page, he wanted the whole coloring book. When Brittney told him he could not keep the coloring book, boy did he loose it. It was hysterical. The chunky little kid rolling around, yelling and screaming like someone had done the worst thing possible.... simply because he was not aloud to have a coloring book. Like I said, I was not super close to him, but I still miss him.

Isaiah 23:9 "The Lord Almighty planned it..."

It is so hard, in situations like this, to think that God planned to end little Joshua's life after only 3 short years. It is so easy to say that it was simply an accident, a mistake God made, but that is just not true. God truly did plan it, even before Joshua was a remote possibility, even before Joshua's parents met, God knew this day was coming. In this moment we may not see why, but at the end of life I am fully convinced that God will say, "See, I knew what I was doing. As a result of Joshua's death this, this and this happened. I told you, I have this under control." In this life there are so many things that will happen that seem wrong or terrible, but they were planned before time began.

I am not saying that we should not be sad, it is a hard situation and grieving is necessary. On Thursday we attended Joshua's funeral. There were so many people there, all to grieve and comfort the grieving. We were able to hug the parents and tell them we were praying. I do ask that you will all pray for the family (Mother, Father and brother, as well as extended family) and friends of Joshua, this is a very hard time.

He has a plan, we might not always see it.... and at times we might flat-out hate it, but there is a reason for it. We just need to trust that creator of the universe knows what he is doing.

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

Change.... what a beautiful word

To start off, I want to say, sorry its been so long, again I am not much of a blogger, so getting on and up-dating is not the first thing on my to-do list.... actually things like "paint my nails", "watch X-Men" and "eat chocolate" are normally higher on my list. 

Food for thought, "Blogging is not writing, it is graffiti with punctuation." -Dude from Contagion 

Now, for the actual blog post....
4 or 5 years ago, I got a huge call on my life. God told me he wanted me to (eventually) move to Uganda, Africa. That terrified me, so I didn't actually say agree to is. Over the next few months (while avoiding telling anyone this, in fear that if I told people it would be a "no turning back" situation), I prayed things like, "God, if you want me in Africa, show me that it is your will." And obviously, he showed me that was exactly where he wanted me, but... it still terrified me, so I still didn't accept it. I continued to pray "seeking" Gods will, he continued showing me, and I continued not accepting it. (This went on for 2 or 3 months.) Finally, at the church camp I used to go to, 3 services in a row He made it abundantly clear his call on my life, that night when I told my friends, I cried... a lot. When the week was over I went home and told my family, I cried.... a lot... again. Let me tell you, being that young and getting that kind of call on your life, that is a scary thing. Things have changed now.....

I am ecstatic to go to Uganda and my moving day is on it's way :)

I have been presented with the opportunity to move to Jinja, Uganda in January. I am going to live with a missionary family there and home school 3 of their boys. This is totally a God thing. I get to be living right in the culture there, I will eat traditional food, and learn some of the language (the family speaks both English and Luganda), and during the weekends I will be able to visit other ministries and make plans for my future (making contacts, getting information about my long term plan in Uganda). I will be with them from January to May/June, and after that, who knows what Gods plans are for me. (I eventually plan on opening a group home for girls with special needs.) 

As you may know, Teisha and I were already planing a 6 week trip to Uganda this fall, but considering this opportunity, we are not sure what we are going to do, we have a few options; 1. We could both go in September/October and I would return to Uganda after the holidays, 2. Teisha could go in September/October and I would delay my trip until January, or 3. We would both wait until January to go. We are seeking Gods will on this matter, and your prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time :)

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Fire, Lightning, Stars, and a Beautiful Plan

At this moment I am sitting on our roof looking at Gods amazingly beautiful creation. Above is a beautiful starry night, Fuego (a volcano) is spitting lava every few seconds and you can see it running down, and behind that, you can see lighting off in the distance, and every time it goes off it lights up the sky and you can see the dark shadow of the volcanoes (2 visible from our roof). Dose it get much better than this? I have no words to describe the beauty that I am seeing at the moment... and I have been watching this for over an hour (and it was going on for at least an hour before I got home). God must be having a blast showing off what he can do.  

A picture of Fuego my dad took tonight

(After a short break) I am now sitting in the comfort of my own bed after a nice shower to warm me up (it is rather cold on our roof at night time), but I am still thinking about the beautiful sight and the lesson my best friend taught me a little bit ago, a plan. There was somewhere else I would have rather been this evening, but He had a different plan. We get this view in our heads about how our evening, or our week, or our life should go, but when it doesn't happen that way we get disappointed. For me, my view of a beautiful evening would have been a chance to hang out with my friends in the US (not a realistic one, but that is what I wanted). My view of this week, well first off Brittney would not have left for the states, second I would have gotten out of the house more and third I would not be having back pains. My view of my life... well lets just say I would not be in Guatemala, and I would definitely not be  planing on moving to Uganda. Sometimes our idea of a beautiful plan is very different from Gods beautiful plan, but in the end it is beautiful no matter what and it was totally worth giving up our own plan for what he has for us. Tonight, yes I was not exactly where I wanted to be, but instead I got a gorgeous view of volcanoes and lightning and stars. A plan dose not always have to be ready ahead of time, sometimes we just have to let go of our own plans and dreams to live the amazing life the almighty God has planed for us, and I can guarantee you, it will be so much better than what you have planned. 

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012


"And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
Cause you're all I want, you're all I need, you're everything, everything."
-Everything by Lifehouse (one of my all-time favorite songs, and if you have not heard it yet, I would strongly suggest you take a few minutes right now to listen to it.)

That last line posted, "You're all I want, you're all I need, you're everything," is an amazing line, but how often do we truly sing it from the heart?

For years now I have known this song, I have sung it, I have loved it, but about 2 weeks ago I came to a realization, I have never truly mean it. Yes, God is all I need, he is all that matters, he truly is everything.... but that is not true in my life, because he is not all that I want. My dad shared with us the other night, if you say, "All I need (be happy) is God and ______," than whatever you put in the blank, is a false God. My 'blank' is my family and the desire for a husband.... I hate to admit it, and it kinda makes me hate myself. I don't like it at all, I am on the missions field, right smack dab in the middle of Gods will..... but that is actually not Gods will if I am not on fire for him. Doing "Gods work" is not Gods work if I am not even right with Him in the first place. Again, He is all I need, and I know that with all my heart, but where exactly are my thoughts and my desires, because that reflects exactly weather or not my God is all I want. He is not all that I want, but that is a wrong set of priorities, that is a very wrong mindset, and I am in the possess of changing that. The first step is realizing it and being able to admit it (which is a lot harder than you realize).... now comes the really hard part, changing yourself to make that line ("You're all I want...") a true statement.

(Sorry, this post is just a bunch of little statements put together, and I hope it all makes sense)

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Pure, Passionate Love

I have been reading the book When Heaven Weeps by Ted Dekker. This book (a functional story based on Hosea) is a demonstration of Gods love for us. Well, I just have to say that God has amazing timing! Today, I finished that book, but not only that, I also watched the movie The Passion of the Christ. Through all that God is teaching me a lot about love.

For years now I have been looking for love. But through  the past week I have discovered that I have been looking for this thing that our messed up world calls love. We live in a world that people fall in and out of "love" like the change of fashion. You know, when we were kids everyone had straight legged jeans, then only flared jeans were popular, now you have to have skin tight skinny jeans. These days a couple is "madly in love" with each other, and within a week they are with new people. So much for love. News flash for you, that is what we call a crush! Just like every few years you have to get a new style of jeans, every few weeks people find the need to have a new "love". Well, I always sat back and watched these people thinking that I would never be like that, I want a true love that will last 50, 60, 100 years if I could only be so lucky to live that long. But, I am just starting to realize that true love is so much more... 

When Heaven Weeps is about a famous Christian author, Jan Jovic, who meets a junkie, Helen, and falls madly in love with her but he does not understand why. Dekker so vividly describes Jan's feeling for Helen, but it is so different from the love by the worlds standards. It is true, never ending, passionate love, a love that would do absolutely anything to stay together. A few times through out the book, when Jan experiences this passionate love for her, he hears the voice of God speaking to him, saying, "It is only a whisper of what I feel, Jan." I personally can not imagine this. For years, I have been searching for this fake thing they call love, and to imagine a passionate love that is more, much more than I have ever thought, only to hear God clearly say to me that it is only the slightest whisper of what he feels for me?... 

If you would have asked me, just yesterday, to describe what Jesus went through just for me, I would have given you the Sunday school version of the death of Christ, "...and yes, I know that I will never actually know what it was like..." blah blah blah.... you know the basics. But until tonight, it was just a story. A story that can never actually be told the proper way. You have to see it to understand. It has to be a picture being painted right in front of you. A sculpture being formed with you watching. A life unfolding before your eyes. This movie has put a whole new reality into the the story that everyone already knows. It was hard to watch and I cried..... a lot. But not only that, I am ashamed, because Jesus willingly went through all of that for me, but I bury my face in my pillow and can't even watch a depiction of it. He died a terrible death, the kind that no amount of words could ever describe, and he did that for us, each one of us. That is love. That is real love. That is pure, passionate love.

How could anyone love me that much, let alone the creator of the universe, who knows my every thought?
He loves ME like that? 

Yet, somehow, he does. He loves me with passion, with desire, with willingness. He loves me with the same unfathomable love that held him on the cross tht day. And he continues to love me, all of me, everyday, even when I constantly fail him. I will never be able to understand this love, and I certainly could never do anything to deserve.  How is that type of love possible? It is mind boggling. 

I am a human, drenched in my own sin. I come to God, begging him to shower me with his grace, clean up my wounds, and accept me, even though I failed him. He does, because he loves me with the passionate love that you fix what it is broken, not the fake love that you throw it away with the slightest sign of imperfection. So, he cleans up my scrapes and bruises, and right when I am almost all the way healed, I run and jump in my pool of sin. Again, I get drenched and all scratched up (often worst than before), and once again, I go running to God, asking him to clean me up, and he dose. He gives me the delicate care that I need, getting the rocks and dirt out of my deep cuts. Dose it hurt? It most defiantly does, but I allow him to, because I know it will make me a better person. But right when I am almost healed, I run. But the moment I go back, he accepts me again, knowing that in a matter of time I will be gone again. Every time I run, it hurts him. He puts time and energy into loving me, and I go right back to my sin. I don't want to hurt him, and I certainly don't try to, but it happens. It is the worldly nature that has a hold of me, and I am not using that as an excuse, I am just stating the truth. That is how this messed up world is, and it is not going to change anytime soon. But only someone who loves with true love, true passion can accept someone after messing up so many time. He is willing to do this time and time again, but not only that, he died that terrible death knowing that he would have to do this time and time again.

The pure, passionate love my father has for me.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

Simply Me

Hi. I'm Carissa. I am not very good at writing, my grammar is off, and without the help of spell check you would  probably not be able to tell what I am trying to say. Just like every other girl, I am at a constant war with the world, trying to stay myself when everyone is trying to change me. Yes, at times I give in, but overall, I do my best to stay true to the woman God is making me into. I do not have great words of wisdom, but God is making some amazing changes in me, so I am going to type them up and share them with you. I graduated from high school in 2011, and I am not planing on going to collage. I am going to get basic physical therapy and nursing training, and I have a heart for special needs children. I presently live in Guatemala, but in a couple years I plan on moving to Uganda, Africa and taking in special needs girl. I am super excited to see all the places God is going to take me through my life.