miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

And so it begins...

On Sunday we celebrated 2 of the boys’ birthdays. Kenny turned 10 on Wednesday and Albert turned 9 on Sunday. Their dad was out of town most of last week, so Kenny’s celebration was held off until Albert’s birthday...one big joint celebration. We went to King Fisher (a swimming pool and park area next to lake Victoria) to celebrate. We had a picnic lunch, cake and ice-cream, and swam.

Birthday boys, Kenny and Albert

Monday was supposed to be our first day of school, but most of the morning consisted of cleaning up the school room. It was quite the task. (and anyone who knows me would be surprised and proud to hear… I took charge and the room is now clean. Me… I cleaned! And it looks great!) So, Tuesday was actually our first day of school. So far, it's going pretty well. It is a little difficult coming in part way through the year, not knowing how things go, but I am catching on. I am asking a lot of question... and luckily, this first week is going to be a little more laid back as I'm catching on.

Pictures of my room...
Right now this half of the room looks a little plain, but in the next day or 2 a wicker couch this is going to be moved in...
But the rest of the room is beautiful...

In case you were wondering... 76 pictures hanging up. 

Still needing prayer for a few things. 
1. Finances. (If anyone would like to help, e-mail me at carissa@hopeforhome.org)
2. Homesickness
3. That I will make a few good friends

...Until next time :)

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