jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

Let the Ships Burn

I have been wanting to do this blog post for a few days now (I actually have had this update planned for months, but now that I am here I can actually write and post it). This is a short post, not because I view it as unimportant (this is so, very important to me), but when you have something so important sometimes the simpler the better.  

-The hardships of the new world made them restless and weak. Quietly they whisper, Let’s sail back to the life we knew. But the one who lead them there would say...
Burn the Ships were here to stay, there’s no way we could go back now that we’ve come this far by faith. Burn the ships we’ve passed the point of no return. Our life is here so let the ships burn.-

I have been told by so many people “when you get married, don’t ever view divorce as an option. If it is in your mind that there is a back door, you will take it sooner or later.” Well, I 100% agree with that. When the trials and difficulties come around there should be no back door. All you can do is turn to God and look for your next step.

His calling causes us to burn the ships. You listen, you follow, and you NEVER turn back.

I am burning the ships. I know 100% that Uganda is where I am supposed to be. So this is where I am. I will not move back to the U.S. and I will not move back to Guatemala. Will I visit? Absolutely! My friends and family is there (I will actually be heading to Guatemala in October for my sister’s wedding)... But moving back is in no way in the near future. Years down the road, God might say to me, “ok, your job here is done... go______.” But unless I get a very clear message like that, this is my home. This is my life.

My life is here so let the ships burn.

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