martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

My "normal" week....

So, the other post that I have been working on for so long now is still not ready.... so here is just a quick update on my life here!

First of all I just want to say, God is good! He has been really helping provide for me here and it has been great. He has placed some awesome people in my life that have been very good and encouraging to me and he is helping me turn my apartment into my own space.

Last week I got new furniture! My apartment just didn't feel like home and it was causing me to not be content staying at home and was just not motivating me to be productive. So.... a friend of mine was moving and selling all her stuff, so I was able to get a lot of stuff from her for a very good price! This allows me to invite people over a bit more, feel more at home and just makes living alone a little better.


On Wednesdays I have been attending two different bible studies. In the morning there is a group of missionary ladies that meet, worship, pray, read the word and break up into small groups for more in depth talking. Wednesday evenings there is a small group of young woman that meet, we are studying into Isaiah and really digging into it. These bible studies have been a huge help for me!

Thursday evening I head over to my friends house (one of the families I stayed with for a few weeks when I moved here). They have me over for dinner and I stay for the evening, help out with the kids if they need anything but I mostly just hang out. It is a great chance to just spend time with other people.

On Fridays I have also recently started visiting an orphanage about an hour or two away (depending on taxi's and traffic). A friend of mine has been going there and told me that they have a little girl with Cerebral Palsy. So I am trying to go about once a week to spend some time with Margret (and of course I also like to play with the other kids as well). I am going to be working with her on doing things for herself, working on motivation and strength. 

In my down time I am working very hard on time management.... I have been working out, reading, drawing, studying Luganda and doing personal studies of disabilities. I don't always do a great job with all of this, but it is a working process. 

And just for you all.... her are just a few pictures of the beautiful, crazy, amazing country I get to call home!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayer and support! 

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