lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

Heading Stateside! (temporarily of course)

As I said a few blog post ago, I am planing a trip back to the U.S. this summer. Here are some of my plans and details.

May 2nd - Leave Uganda
May 3rd - Land in DC..... I will meet up with Taryn (who is flying in the same day) and we will head to my grandparents house in PA
May 7th - My Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bob will drive Taryn and I to NC (they will be arriving on the 6th, spending the night and driving us on the 7th)
May 8th-19th - Equip International Medical Missions Training
May 19th - Head back to Uncle Bob and Aunt Kathy's house
May 27th - Drive to Ohio. My Aunt and Uncle will drive us half way where we will meet some friends, have lunch and then they will drive us the other half.

June 11th - I will be in one of my best friends weddings!
June 18th and 25th - I will be attending very good friends weddings.

June 26th-July 2nd - Ludlow Falls Kids Camp. When we lived in Ohio, one of the highlights of the summer was camp. This year I am thrilled that I get to be a counselor!
July 4th - First Independence day celebrated in the U.S. in 6 years!

July 24th-28th(ish) - Trip to Chicago with Krishauna and Andi!!!! They will be in the area for fundraising purposes, so the three of us are going to take a few day trip to visit Wrigley Field and see our Cubs! The exact dates of this are not nailed down, but we will be taking this trip around that time.
July 28th (ish) - Drive back to Pennsylvania with Krishauna and Andi
July 29th-31st - Family camping trip. Every year my mom's side of the family does a weekend camping trip. For the first time in 6 years.... I will be there!
August 2nd or 3rd - Head back to Uganda with Taryn by my side :D We have not yet booked tickets, (that will happen before too long, but I know it will be right around that time).

So all of June and a good chunk of July I have a lot of open time. During that I would LOVE to come visit small groups, bible studies, coffee visits, desert parties, anything to share about my ministry and fund raise. My problem is, I have a LOT of trouble speaking in front of large groups and I am so uncomfortable that I can not properly convey what I am trying to say..... but I do love sharing about my ministry here. So if you have any small group setting that you would like me to share at, please e-mail me and I would love to come!

I could also really use a car while I am in Ohio, if anyone has a car that is available June and most of July, please let me know, I would really appreciate it!!! I am also still figuring out where I will be staying over that time.... this greatly depends on whether or not I have a car (if I do not, I need to try to stay more in the center of Troy so I can walk most places). Also, please be praying for my last few weeks here, that I will continue to be productive and have a good time, but that I will also be able to properly prepare for my trip to the states. Thanks so much for everyone who is praying and all help friends and family are giving.... I am so very blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing people!

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