jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

Latest update.... a little boring, but short and informative.

Finally, I have plans and feel like a blog update is worth writing!

First I want to say, the past 2 months of being home have been so good. It has also given me some much needed time of refreshment with family and friends. So far I have had the chance to watch the world series with my dad and siblings, witch was wonderful. Krishauna and Andi's wedding was so beautiful and it was amazing to be a part of it. We are now in full fledged Christmas mode! Then in January is Brittney and Joel's wedding. This was some much needed family time! I am also spending some time learning more about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other illnesses that will help me with the future.

Tickets to go home to Uganda are booked! I will be leaving Guatemala on January 23rd. I am going to be flying with my grandparents to Pennsylvania and will be spending a little bit of time with them and with Krishauna and Andi. I will leave Pennsylvania on February 2nd and will land in Uganda on the 3rd. 

When I get to Uganda things are not 100% curtain. I will be getting there around election time so there in no guarantee what things will be like (I have been told that things can be very unpredictable around election time). I am looking into the possibility of maybe staying with some friends for a week or two while this is going on, but decisions are still being made concerning that. Once everything calms down from that I will start the process of becoming an NGO there in Uganda. I do not know how long this will take, but it will be a step by step process that I will work through.

This coming summer I will be taking another trip. I will be heading to the United States for May and June. There is a two week (May 8th-19th) intense medical missions training seminar with Equip International in North Carolina. (If you would like to know more about it feel free to check it out  http://www.equipinternational.org/mmi/) This is a chance for me to learn how to diagnose and treat a verity of illnesses and and injury while on the missions field. This is some very good, basic information that will provide extremely helpful on the filed. I will be doing this in May (as opposed to fall when they host the same training) because I have a few very close friends who are getting married in June and this will allow me to be there for their special days. 

For anyone wondering I want to clear up a few things. First, my trip that I am on right now, in Guatemala, was provided by family members that really wanted me to be a part of my sisters weddings. Second, I have moved to Uganda but am planning multiple trips close together. This is not a result of my heart not being in Uganda. I am not questioning my call or changing my mind, this is a great opportunity and probably my last time to visit Ohio for quite a while. I do not plan on taking trips every 6 months or even every year, this is just how things have fallen into place. 

Thank you all for your continued prayer and support. 

Merry Christmas!

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

I feel like Tom Hanks in The Terminal....

I am very sorry that I am just now getting around to this update on the newest things in my life at the moment… my last week in Uganda was rather busy and so I just did not get around to it. So yes, I am not in Uganda at the moment. I am on my way home (to Guatemala) for 4 months. I am going back to for Krishauna and Andi’s wedding, I will be home through the holidays and then for Brittney and Joel’s wedding. It’s going to be a wonderful, busy few months! 

So far, my traveling has been quite smooth, but very long and exhausting. I left my apartment at 8pm on Monday, the 5th. My flight left at about midnight, 8 hour flight to Amsterdam, 6 hour layover, 8 hour flight to Washington DC where I had an overnight layover. 

My grandparents live a couple hours from DC so they picked me up from the airport, took me to Cracker Barrel  for dinner, then we went to the hotel and hug out a bit before we slept…. In fantastic beds with amazing pillows! (it was like sleeping on a cloud ;) ) 

My flight from DC left at 6 am, so we were up and on our way at 4. I am not on my 2 hours layover in Atlanta, but we will be boarding in about 30 min.... Then just the last leg of my trip, a 3 hour 45 min flight to Guatemala!!!! I am almost home and I can not wait to see my family!!!! But ya, I am defiantly beginning to feel like Tom Hanks on the Terminal. 

I do not yet have a return ticket to Uganda, but I AM returning and it will likely be in February (due to the fact that elections will be around that time and things can get crazy, I am not 100% sure when I will be heading back, but it will be around that time). So ya, that’s about it for the moment. Thanks for all your prayers and support, God bless!

P.S. Sorry for all the random pictures of me.... Selfies will not become a regular blog thing, I have just been VERY bored. 

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Luganda Lessons, Power Outages and Jigger Clinic

Hey everyone! Sorry it has been so long, I have been needing to do an update, but was waiting on other plans to be confirmed before I did so.

First of all, working with Zoe was going fine, but they found a replacement so after 3 weeks I passed off my job to a wonderful new lady. So I had 3 full weeks of busyness, school and stress.... and now I have had a full week off.

Which leads me to my next thing. Today I had my first Luganda lessons! I will be doing 3 hours a day, 5 days a week for 3 weeks. I could use your prayers. Languages are not my strong point and I have heard (and today, experienced) that Luganda is hard to learn. However, God has called me here and I would really like to know the language so I am going to do this. I am so excited and terrified all at the same time. My tutor is great! We spent some time today, just talking and getting to know each other, but we also got a lot of studying in. I took a lot of notes and also got video of her speaking.... So, in addition to 3 hours of classes each day, I will be spending some of my evening studying and practicing pronunciation and vocab words. PLEASE BE PRAYING FOR ME!

Just some more personal information:
I have been going to a bible study that I have really enjoyed. Every week everyone shows up with a dish of some sort, we all eat together then sit down to study the word (it is a very fun and diverse group there are Americans, Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians, Ugandans) . I have also started going to a new church (the other church was good, just too big for my taste). This church is the kind of church I am more used to... small, simple, more of a community than a mega church.

My apartment is great (by no means perfect, but who's first apartment is supposed to be perfect?) the biggest problem... the power, but that's just Uganda. To give you a taste, lets just say that I went almost 1 whole week with no power outages and that was just a huge surprise! Luckily, when the power does go out, I have multiple people near me that are ether on different power sources or have generators. They have (very generously) allowed me to go to their house, charge my computer and mooch off of them when I am unable to do stuff at my place.

I am also trying to get involved in some different ministries... few weeks ago, I was part of a jigger clinic.
To start off, just getting to this ministry where the clinic was being held was an amazing, beautiful adventure! 5 minute walk, 5 minute boda (motorcycle) ride, 20 minute matatu (taxi/van) ride, about a 30 minute boat ride across the lake, about a 20 minute boda ride on village, dirt roads.... it was amazing! Sadly, I have no pictures, but I am hoping to visit the ministry again in about 2 weeks and I will be sure to get pictures and video then.

Okay, now.... For anyone who does not know what jiggers are, here is a short science lesson. Jiggers are small, parasitic sand fleas. "When the female is ready to lay eggs, it will bury itself, head first into the host (human or animal). For humans, the jigger usually looks for soft exposed skin like the areas between the fingers and toes. The jigger will stay under the skin sucking blood from the host until the eggs are fully developed. In about two weeks, the eggs will have fully developed and when ready, they will be dropped out in the same hole that the female flea entered. The female lays about 100-200 eggs at one cycle. The eggs will hatch after a few days and go through the larvae and pupal stages in about 2 to 3 weeks, to become adults. The adults, still burrowed in the human flesh, will mate and the cycle will begin again. Therefore, while a single female jigger may burrow itself in a person initially, the person can end up with hundreds of jiggers within a few weeks, even if no more jiggers from outside enter his or her legs." I have been told that the in initial burrowing is not very painful, but once they are in there, swelling occurs, they are moving around, laying eggs.... it can get pretty painful. If, for some reason, you want to know more about the lovely jigger.... http://www.killthejigger.org/what-are-jiggers/

Here in Uganda, jiggers are a big problem (much more so in the villages). So, there is a ministry that once a month holds a jigger clinic. They get people to volunteer, head out to their place and help remove the jiggers and egg sacks. Some people wash feet and others dig (and if they have enough people, sometimes they paint the girls' toenails). So, eager to learn new things, I bravely decided to try my hand at digging. Basically, I sit down and start looking. After a minute I don't see any jiggers (and after someone who knew better what to look for confirmed it) that girl left and the next was brought to me. This girl clearly had some, so as the lady is instructing me, she finds an egg sac under the girls toe nail. She starts digging, the little girl is squirming (but other than the numbing spray that was already applied, there is nothing more to do but suffer through the pain, and get it over with), blood and puss is seeping, I start getting dizzy. I decided to step out side for a few minutes, the moment I step back in, it all hits me again.... I almost pass out, so I call it quits. I stayed outside for the rest of the time, playing with kids. I will try again. I am living here and it is a very common problem with those in the village, so my plan is to be able to do that work.... it just might take some time before my stomach and head can deal with it.

So, that is my lovely adventure from a few weeks ago. Hopefully, before too, terribly long, I will be able to share a story of me successfully removing jiggers, but until then I will continue just having fun playing with the kids :)

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Slight change of plans....

Slight change of plans... tomorrow is my first day of school! (Never thought I would be saying those words again).

I have been offered a job for the next 6 weeks of working as a personal assistant to a 15 year old girl named Zoe (she is part of a missionary family here). She has autism and has non verbal communication disorder (people with this disorder can be very verbal, including Zoe, this just means it makes it hard for them to pick up non verbal cues, sarcasm, etc.). My job will be to spend the school day with Zoe.

I am still looking into taking some Luganda lessons late afternoon/evening, but I am unsure of how that will turn out.

As you know, I have just moved into an apartment and setting up house here was not cheep (appliances are quite expensive here). This job will give me more experience with autism and give me a chance to make some money in the process. I have not spent too much time with high functioning autism, so this will be a bit of a challenge, but an amazing learning experience! I truly believe this is a gift from God.

Again, thank you all for the continued prayer and support,

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

Temple of the Holy Spirit

Okay, there are 2 parts to this blog post...
1. What God has been putting on my heart
2. My apartment and life here

(So, what God has been putting on my heart)
Right now, as a female (I know guys go through the same kind of things, but since I am not a guy, I am going to talk from the female point of view) there are 2 things being crammed down our throats…. 1. Be skinny; be a supermodel. 2. Accept yourself just the way you are; you are beautiful without changing a thing.

Now, I want to start off saying, don’t hate who you are (and believe me, I know that feeling just as much as the next girl.) God made you the way you are, accept that…. I believe that 100%. But, it’s not always that simple.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says “Do you know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” (Now, I do know that different people will take this verse differently, but I am just sharing the way God has used this verse to teach me.)

Is eating junk food 24/7 and never exercising- because you hate it with a passion- honoring God with your body? Obviously not. I can say with confidence that when this….

...is no longer just a funny clip, but becomes a reality I think it is safe to say that is not honoring God with your body.  (Which is exactly where I am, sadly) So, I am going to start changing my life style. I love food so much that I am not going to go on a diet or anything, but I will get past my hatred of exercising.  (if after I am in the habit of this and I feel God’s desire is for me to change my eating habits, I will do that as well but I am going one step at a time).

Now, I want to say… No, I do not love my weight and yes, I do hope that exercising causes me to lose weight but that is not my reason for doing this. That is why I will not be keeping track of my weight. I do not know how much I weigh going into this and that is the way it is going to stay. I do not need to count pounds, if I begin doing that it would change my motive.

So, I am telling you all this to keep in mind, it does not matter how skinny you are, it also does not matter if you love yourself, what matters is how you are treating Gods temple? If you are honoring God with your body then yes, love it, embrace it… whether you are 105 pounds or 360 pounds, everyone is different and you need to remember that. God made us different, love that about yourself… but in the processes honor God with that. 

(Now, my life here)
If you guys have been keeping up with me on facebook you have probably been seeing my regular updates... if that is the case feel free to skip or skim this part.
I am still working on getting unpacked and organized (I am taking it slow, simply because I want to). Here are a few pictures of the place. Sorry for the blurriness, I meant to get some better ones today while the sun was out, but I forgot. 

Setting up house has been very expensive so far (the apartment was completely empty, so fridge, microwave, hotplate, bed, couch, chairs.... all things I had to buy within the past few days) and there are some more things that would be really, very useful (desk, bedside table, lamp, etc.). If you feel God calling you to help, that would be so, greatly appreciated. If not, that is fine but I please continue praying for me. 

Also, this morning I visited a church that had some amazing worship! This church is call Watoto church; it visits in the theater of an water/amusement park. Watoto is a branch of mega churches here in Kampala (this branch is on the smaller end). I really enjoyed it, the preaching was good, the worship was amazing!
P.S. the videos do not do it justice.

So yes, that is an update on me. I am still figuring out exactly what my normal day will look like, it will take some time for me to properly get my life set up here... but I am really hoping that very soon I will have another (more informative) update for you all.

Thank you all for your time, your prayers and your support.... it is all greatly needed and appreciated. God bless!

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015


As many of you know, I have spent the last 6 or so weeks, moving from place to place, living with different missionary families as I research Kampala and look for a house. As many of you do not know, that failed miserably. I still don't know what area of Kampala I want to be in long-term and I was not finding any house that would be suitable to run a home from and that was also in my budget. So, about 2 weeks ago (with the "go ahead" from God) I stopped looking for a house and began looking for an apartment.... and I found one!!!!

Today, I went to "reserve" the apartment and next week, I will sign a 6 month lease. This is just temporary for me, I will still open up a home here, but it will still be a while before I am able to accept children in the home, so I might as well get an temporary place to live in while continuing to figure out what area I ill be in long-term. But for the mean time, I am in an area that I know, near friends.... so I will be getting settled in very soon. I will be using this time to begin language classes, get to know more people and ministries, and get better settled here in Uganda.

 So, this is the outside. I will be on the second floor
(the window a the very top of the picture is my bathroom window).

Main room (about 20ft by 16ft) 

Bedroom and closet (room is about 10ft by 10ft)

My very cozy little bathroom.

So, at this point I need to shop for some basic stuff (bed, fridge, microwave, curtains, food, etc.).... but as long as I have enough stuff to live off of, I could move in as soon as the 31st. Thanks again for all the prayers and support. I will do another update soon, on lease signing, key receiving, shopping and moving in :D

lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

Miracle of the Moment

Before I get into the actual post a few side notes...
1. This is a difficult post for me to write. Because of this my thoughts may not be very organized. I am sorry if my writing sounds scatterbrained, believe me I tried to make it as clear as possible, but when you are very emotional…. Well there is really no telling what the outcome will be. 
2. A few weeks ago, a friend suggested a book to me Holding on to Hope by Nancy Guthrie. I am about half way through it (you have to read slowly because it is an emotionally difficult book to read). Nancy and her husband lost there baby girl, and this book was her way of explaining why God lets bad things happen to good people. I have used some quotes from it, so anytime you see something underlined it is from this book
3. I am referencing multiple Steven Curtis Chapman songs because they are so spot on, I can't help but post them. (Not that he is ever going to see this but here are a few words to him) Thank you so much, for the ministry you have done for so many years. Your songs, your words, your example has helped me and my family through so much, you have literally changed the direction of our lives. Thank you for being such an amazing example and encouragement to everyone around you.

It has been 1 year since Thania has passed.
52 Weeks since I have held her in my arms.
365 days since I have seen her beautiful eyes.
It has been 1 year since Thania has seen Jesus face to face.
52 weeks since she last experienced pain.
365 days since she has been fully healed.

She is completed now, she is healed, she is running and jumping and dancing with Jesus...
Meanwhile, I am still here, overtaken by grief.

“My Strength is dried up…”
“But you, O Lord, be no far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me.”
Psalm 22:15, 19

When you loose someone that is so close to you, everyday tasks become hard. Picking out clothes for the other kids became a task that I choked back tears for, because every night I had to look at her shelf with all her beautiful bright colored clothes, knowing I would never get to see her in them again. Tucking the kids in for nap or bed was so hard because I would go in to give kisses and there was her empty bed. But perhaps the hardest is church. I still have moments during the worship time that I turn to pick her up so I can hold her and dance with her, and when I do she is not there. Everything reminds me of her, which makes life unbearably hard.

“Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my anguish. Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you…. Because my hope is in you.” 
Psalm 25:16, 17, 20, 21

"If God has allowed suffering into your life, it is for a purpose. A good purpose. A holy purpose."

This is often one of the hardest things to remember. But I know with all my heart, that God was glorified in the life and death of Thania... if that was not the case she would still be here. I don't know if on this earth I will ever get to see the reason why God took Thania when he did, but I trust that when I get to heaven he will show me why. All I can do now is trust in his perfect plan even when it is hard. 

"Though those who put Jesus on the cross meant to do evil against him, God used it for good, in order to bring many to himself. The Cross, then, is the ultimate example of God's ability to work all things together for good-even the most wicked deed Darkness ever conceived."

We must learn to dwell on what we once had, instead of dwelling on what is lost.
The tiniest, most normal moments of when that person was with you become such great memories after they are gone. The smallest things very quickly can turn into the most treasured moments. 

Like, one afternoon, we pulled out a notebook and were drawing together, I hadn’t thought much about that afternoon, until (as I was packing for Uganda) I came across our picture. It is now one of my most favorite possessions.

I just came across this picture (right) yesterday... I loved that afternoon. It was back when she was still in her suborn mode, so I just snuggled her and watched watched my very favorite episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S (The One Where No One's Ready).

An afternoon at the park... goofy sleeper time... silly selfies...

Drawing on our faces with a highlighter... hearing her lovely laugh... such great memories.

“So breathe it in and breath it out, listen to your heartbeat. There's a wonder in the here and now, it's right there in front of you, and I don’t want you to miss the miracle of the moment. And if it brings you tears then taste them as they fall, let them soften your heart. And if it brings you laughter then throw your head back and let it go, let it go…. You gotta let it go. ” 
Miracle of the Moment, Steven Curtis Chapman

"Despite our feelings of discouragement we can hold on to God's promises, hold on to what we know about who he is and how he works. Even though we don't understand, and it is so dark we cannot see to take a step forward, we can choose to hang on, to keep trusting, to keep believing God's Word."

"Trusting God when the miracle does not come, when the urgent prayer gets no answer, when there is only darkness-this is the kind of faith God values perhaps most of all. This is the kid of faith that can only be developed and displayed in the midst of difficult circumstances. This is the kind of faith that cannot be shaken because it is the result of having been shaken."

When grief overtakes you, all you can do is turn to God. In him is the only relief. Relief will not come overnight, it may take months, it may take years.... it may never come, just keep your eyes fixed on Him. He is the lighthouse that will keep you from sinking.

"It's all Your God, Your God, everything is Yours
From the stars in the sky to the depths of the ocean floor
and it's all Yours God, Yours God, everything is Yours
You'rs the make and keeper, Father and ruler of everything
It's all Yours

I've walked the valley of death's shadow
So deep and dark that I could barely breathe
I've had to let go of more than I could bear
And I questioned everything that I believe
But still even here
in this great darkness 
A comfort and hope come breaking through
As I can say in life or death
God we belong to you.

And we are Yours God, Yours God, everything is Yours
From the stars in the sky to the depths of the ocean floor
and it's all Yours God, Yours God, everything is Yours
All the greatness and power, the glory and splendor and majesty
Everything is Yours!"
Yours (with added verse) Steven Curtis Chapman

jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

Let the Ships Burn

I have been wanting to do this blog post for a few days now (I actually have had this update planned for months, but now that I am here I can actually write and post it). This is a short post, not because I view it as unimportant (this is so, very important to me), but when you have something so important sometimes the simpler the better.  

-The hardships of the new world made them restless and weak. Quietly they whisper, Let’s sail back to the life we knew. But the one who lead them there would say...
Burn the Ships were here to stay, there’s no way we could go back now that we’ve come this far by faith. Burn the ships we’ve passed the point of no return. Our life is here so let the ships burn.-

I have been told by so many people “when you get married, don’t ever view divorce as an option. If it is in your mind that there is a back door, you will take it sooner or later.” Well, I 100% agree with that. When the trials and difficulties come around there should be no back door. All you can do is turn to God and look for your next step.

His calling causes us to burn the ships. You listen, you follow, and you NEVER turn back.

I am burning the ships. I know 100% that Uganda is where I am supposed to be. So this is where I am. I will not move back to the U.S. and I will not move back to Guatemala. Will I visit? Absolutely! My friends and family is there (I will actually be heading to Guatemala in October for my sister’s wedding)... But moving back is in no way in the near future. Years down the road, God might say to me, “ok, your job here is done... go______.” But unless I get a very clear message like that, this is my home. This is my life.

My life is here so let the ships burn.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

The Plan

Hello all. For anyone who does not know, I am not yet in Uganda. I left Guatemala on Monday (June 1st) and am spending a few days in Pennsylvania with my grandparents and sister. I will be flying out on Friday (June 5th) and will be arriving on Saturday evening (Ugandan time).

The plan once I get there....
I will be spending a week or two with a friend of mine in Jinja. This will give me some time to get readjusted to the time change and culture overall. After that, I will be heading to Kampala to begin house hunting. At this point, I am still trying to figure out where I will be staying (my plans have fallen through) but looking for someone to help me look for a house.

This move will be a step by step process so after I found a house I do not know exactly what my life will look like (I am making tentative plans), but I trust that God will give me each step in His timing. Thank you all for your prayer and support. I will try my best to update you shortly after I get to Uganda.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015


Date picked.
Tickets booked.
Let the packing commence!

On June 6th I will be arriving in Uganda and I can't wait! This move is something that I have been working towards for so, very long and it's almost here! (For anyone who would like to read about my plans, I did a blog post in December called Hope for Home Uganda)

To walk the red dirt roads....
To hear the little village kids yelling "mazungu" (what they call white people)...
To see the stunningly green fields....
To look into the big, beautiful eyes of a little Ugandan child as they look up at me with their gorgeous, white smiles....
To hear the voices of African children singing "hallelujah!"....

My heart is happy..... and I haven't even arrived yet!

I could use your help!
As you can assume, money is necessary. If you feel God is leading you to help, that would be greatly appreciated. Basic living costs, setting up house, necessary equipment, etc, this is not going to be cheep and anything you can do would be very helpful.
Right now, one of the biggest things is simply prayer. Moving to the other side of the world, being away from my family and the kids in our home is not going to be easy at all. Please be praying that I will very quickly find a church and great, supportive friends that can help me through this all. I am also going to need a house and a car very quickly, please pray for wisdom and discernment on my part as to know what steps to take and when. Lastly, please pray for direction as I am setting up house and getting Hope for Home established there in Uganda. It will not be an easy task and that is not my strong point, but I trust that God will hep me through it all. Please pray for Gods will to be done each step of the way.

For everyone that has helped me and has committed to helping me along the way, thank you very much. Words can not express just how much I appreciate your support. 

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Let hope live once more.

Then Jesus told them, "This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.' But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee." Matthew 26:31-32

"But after" How can two small, simple words provide such hope?

I will leave you, you will suffer, you will be scattered, all may seem lost... But after.... Wow! Will things get better! I will come back! I will prepare the way!    Hope is not lost.

Everywhere you look these days seems like hopeless situations... broken relationships, broken families, churches being corrupted by false teachings, countless abortions, persecuted Christians, etc. ....just remember, the story is not over. Our "but after..." is still coming. For some of us it may be tomorrow, for others it could be a few years down the road, for others... well some of us may not see our "after" till we leave is life. But hope will lead us on.

Let hope live once more.

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

Laughing in the face of God

I am sure you have already heard this story, but I want to tell you again, in a slighting different way. Moses and his story is my favorite, with Egypt and Midian, Zipporah and Aaron, the plagues and the Red Sea... everything. I don't like it because it's an enjoyable story... It is actually not that much of an enjoyable story at all. It is full of difficulties and trials, slaves and murderers, people tortured and running from the past, plagues and deaths.... countless deaths. (Yes, it's got a great ending, but a lot of terrible stuff had to happen for that happy ending.) But the story of Moses and the burning bush is just about my favorite because out of all the people in the bible, I feel like I can most relate to Moses. So, to show exactly what I mean, I have taken Exodus 3:1-4:17 and compacted it to be much simpler.

God - "I am sending you to...."
Moses - "Who am I, that I should go..." (Moses "laughing" in the face of God)
God - "I will be with you."
Moses - "Suppose...."
God - "Say.... Go.... Do....  I will...."
Moses - "What if...."
God - Do this.... Do that.... Then do....
Moses - "O Lord, I have never been eloquent...."
God - "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
Moses - "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."
God (filled with anger) says that he will send someone to help him.

When I was first called to Uganda,  my "conversation" with God went something like....
God - Go...
Me - Ummmm... What? (me "laughing" in the face of God)
God - I will help you...
Me - But I don't want to....
God - I will take care of you...
Me - But I can't....
God - I have it under control....
Me - But I'm scared....
God - Trust me....
Me - But what if....
God - I will be with you....
Me - But what about....
This went on for about 3 months, until I think he was so tired of me arguing that He made it so clear that I couldn't say no. So, as you can see, I can relate to Moses. When I read his story I am reminded about how stubborn I was (and still can be) the difference between me and Moses, he argued with God for a few minutes.... mine was a few months.

How often dose God tells us to do something (big or small) and we say, "No, Lord"? We take such a simple task of trusting our creator and make it such a huge thing.
But you know what.... I once heard a pastor say something that stuck with me. If you say "no, Lord" that means He is not really your Lord.
That is so, very true. "Lord" is "a person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, or ruler." If you take away the authority, control, or power..... he would just be another person.

The biggest question is...
Why are we so stubborn that the moment the God of this universe (the same God that crated us, brought us to this time and place, the same God that we often sing praises to, and the same God that we claim to live our lives completely for).... when he said "Go" we laugh in His face and say "No, Lord."

When he says "Go" what we, as Christians, need to say every single time is...
Awesome! Another adventure! Where to this time? What should I pack? Is this a short trip, a long one, or am I moving to my new home? Point me in the right direction and never leave my side.... I can't wait to see what you have planed for us!

domingo, 25 de enero de 2015

Leap of Faith

4 years! I can't believe its been 4 years!
Today we celebrate the anniversary of living in Guatemala. This day, 4 years ago, 11 of us, with about 22 suit cases hopped on a plain to move to San Antonio Augas Calientes, Guatemala. When we moved here, me and 6 others in our family had never even visited, but we all feel in love with life here. It was all simply a leap of faith. 

This is such an amazing scene....

The uncertainties of living in a new country. New food, new culture, new people, new language.... so much to learn, so much to adjust to. We took a leap of faith, trusting God every step of the way. I know I can't speak for everyone in our family, but for me, it was surprisingly easy. Not once in the past 4 years have I questioned the movie. Not once have I wished we had stayed in the states. Was it hard at times? Absolutely. I have had to sit in another country as my friends and extended family continue on with their lives. I have missed graduations, wedding, births, nephew and niece growing up, death in the family, and much more. 

But, while all that was happening, I was able to experience so much more (in a very different way). I have learned new cultures, I have learned to drive on very interesting roads with very interesting traffic conditions (and US traffic has nothing on ours). I have developed great friendships (friends who are now like family). We have a great group of staff working with us. We have seen amazing things happen through our ministry. I have witnessed God working in amazing ways, always providing in his perfect timing (which I did also witness in the states). The list goes on and on..... and on and on and on. Tiny things and huge things and everything in between. But the few things that have made the biggest impact on me... I have grown so much closer to my sibling and parents and God. I have gotten to take care of 15 amazing children that I would never have met if we didn't move here. God had blessed us so, very much.

Also, I just want to say.... I have the best family ever!

God has allowed us to be a part of so many, amazing things.... all it took was a leap of faith.